
The Dragon Heresy Introductory Set Fantasy RPG

Created by Douglas H. Cole

The Dragon Heresy Introductory Set is a fully playable game, covering character creation, adventuring, combat, gear, and challenges. In the book you will find: * Norse-inspired culture, cosmology, and mythology * Deadly and tactically interesting combat * Rules and options to bring viking-style martial combat to the Fifth Edition of the world's most popular Fantasy RPG, with both tactical and narrative tools The game and contents are geared toward exciting play in these early levels. The "Introductory Set" get the players and GM acquainted with the new axes of engagement enabled by the new mechanics, and will be supported by future releases.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Ping me if you haven't received your book
over 5 years ago – Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 07:15:55 PM

I have been watching the last of the domestic Dragon Heresy orders wander to their destinations. Once I got to the point where it was pretty much 10 days past when I sent them, there were fewer than 12 that weren't delivered or out for delivery. So I signed up for USPS emails, and am watching the remainder closely.

However . . . on another forum, I was informed that a backer that I think lives in Italy had not yet received his books. They were sent the last week in September, by airmail, so it surprised me greatly.

At this point, if anyone:

(a) has not yet receive their book or books, or 
(b) did receive them but they arrived in unacceptable condition

Please contact me immediately and we'll get this looked into immediately. Everyone should have their book by now.

Everyone. So let me know, and Gaming Ballistic will make efforts to get it right.

Dungeon Grappling and Lost Hall PDFs
over 5 years ago – Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 07:15:22 PM

Thanks to a timely comment, I realize that something went awry with those that added Dungeon Grappling or Lost Hall of Tyr as a PDF-only add-on.

When I created the ITEM, Backerkit did not also create a SKU to go with it, so there was no digital distribution list that was created . . . bah. I found the problem, and will address it.

Sorry this didn't get discovered earlier. Now I know what I need to do in the future, but really, I should have found this much sooner. Many apologies for not getting you your stuff.

I think what I'll do is create a coupon code for each one to DriveThruRPG, which has the digital versions of both, and comp those who bought it copies using the tool there.

I'll check records, assemble emails for those who should have gotten PDFs of either one, and make it right.

Fulfillment Complete
over 5 years ago – Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 10:47:14 PM

And we're done!

At least I hope so! 

This morning I dropped off about 40 books into the mail, which means that all but one order - and that one is an international order - is complete. I'll take care of that one with TheDiceLatte in Korea over the next day or so.

Including today, this means that the usual 10 days of media mail will bring us to Halloween. October 31 . . . meaning that I can chalk Dragon Heresy as my fourth "on time or early" Kickstarter, preserving my 100% hit rate.

Thanks to everyone for supporting this project.

A Request

I've been getting some nice emails or quick Tweets about the book, which of course, I appreciate greatly. Even better would be a fast review on a social media site or forum, even better attached to a play report. It's a non-trivial ask, I grant, but the more folks curious about Dragon Heresy and who buy books, the more support I can give to the line! (More on that later.)

Favorite Local Heretical Gaming Store

As a result of breaking through to the last stretch goal, I'm in possession of about 1,300 copies of Dragon Heresy that I'd obviously love to move out and get into folks' hands. So bring your own copy by your Favorite Local Gaming Store, and they can either order from me directly or the books will be available via Studio 2 come December. I think the books will have great shelf presence, and if your game store owner contacts me, we can work out an appropriate retail discount if you want to order from be before then.

What next?

Well, the very first thing will be to provide a bit of adventure support. Originally, Lost Hall of Tyr was a convention module I ran for 5e at GENCON 50, and then published it as a 64-page supplement. 

I approached Steve Jackson Games about converting it to The Dungeon Fantasy RPG (Powered by GURPS) and to my surprise and pleasure, they said yes, and we announced Hall of Judgment for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG in April. In doing the conversion, I also expanded it to be more of a micro-setting rather than a linear convention romp. It grew to 128 pages, with more detail around the city, three additional dungeons/locations, and tweaked-out new rules.

Well, I'm going to be converting the larger version of Hall of Judgment back into Lost Hall of Tyr, 2nd Edition (for Dragon Heresy). I've already got a preliminary layout, and the new edition will support play at Level 1-5 for Dragon Heresy. Any who already have the PDF will get a free upgrade; I can't upgrade the print copies, as I'm sure you understand.

I've also been asked about mid-tier play. Well, there's good news and a challenge there. The good news is that I've got another two races (elves and gnomes), several classes that didn't make it into the Introductory Set (Ranger, Paladin, Warlock, Monk, Sorcerer), 16 more backgrounds, and of course the spells lists that go along with them. Those need to be edited and laid out, but they already exist. 

The challenge is art. I've used and re-used quite a bit of the original art I'd had commissioned for my first four products, and I've had quite enough of that. So there will need to be new art to go into this expansion. I'd also like the product to sit next to the Introductory Set on retail shelves, which means an offset print run!

Those would require money. I'll rough out what it would need, and see if we can fit a crowdfunding campaign into what is shaping up to be a very exciting and busy 2019.

Fit in? Yeah. I'm not ready to announce yet, but expect even more support for the world of Dragon Heresy in 2019, and not just written by my hand. I can't wait for the announcement, but a few things are pending that need to happen first.

So stay tuned . . . and I hope that I can continue to make things happen over the next 14 - 18 months for you.

Thanks again!

Fulfillment Begins
over 5 years ago – Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 10:52:05 PM

I have 140 individual packages to mail. 70 of those are single hardcopies; another 34 are double-books. The remainder, which hopefully is 36 people, were more complicated orders. The most impressive was four books; slightly behind that was three hardcopies plus two softcovers!

In any case, all of the complicated orders are done. I like to process those first because, well, they're complicated. They are mix-and-match for inventory, and I like to ensure they get done one shipping group at a time.

The first batch went into the mail earlier today; the second batch will go into the mail before noon tomorrow. I do expect to get the 33 double-book orders (well, 29 of them, because I had to order more mailers) done tomorrow, and a solid number of single-book orders as well. The goal is to pretty much get every book I have a mailer for (all but four) into the post by Friday, which should be doable.

The books are still gorgeous. I find it amazing that they turned out so well, and I hope you guys think so too. In any case, I hope you play the heck out of it - it's a solid game within the covers as well as a pretty one.

Two weeks . . .
over 5 years ago – Sat, Oct 13, 2018 at 07:58:23 PM

I got word from Studio 2 that 1,510 copies of Dragon Heresy arrived there yesterday, and before the day was over, 320 of those were on their way to me here in Minneapolis.

Delivery to me is scheduled for Tuesday. I expect to print labels and start shipping the following day. So all books should be in hand by the end of October, as promised.

We're coming down to the end of this one. Now I just need to determine what, if anything, is next.